Date:	June 25, 1998
Starting Mileage: 8563.9
Starting Location: Norwich, CT
Ending Mileage: 8563.9
Ending Location: Norwich, CT
Total Mileage: 0 (5486.2)

Day 41

Facing another day of heat wave, we opted for a trip to the beach. Though crowded, Rocky Neck proved to be the optimal kid beach - fine white sand, shallow sand bar right at the shore line, and very light waves.


  Sam spent much of the day waist-deep while Sarah ran in and out of the waves, doing the 2-year old equivalent of body surfing.

 Building sand castles, digging tunnels, burying the kids, and a picnic lunch rounded out the shore-side activities. Heading home, we finished the day with some quiet play in the air-conditioning and packing up the RV to get on the road tomorrow.


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