Date:	June 10, 1998
Starting Mileage: 7823.7
Starting Location: Dover, PA
Ending Mileage: 7932.5
Ending Location: Dover, PA
Total Mileage: 108.8 (4854.8)

Day 26-

Venturing east from our campground, we passed through york and entered Lancaster County, home to 18,000 Amish people. Before we left we spent a little time feeding the animals on the farm.




Next stop was at the Amish Village, a small reconstructed Amish town. The house tour provided an informative glimpse into the religious groups' lifestyle. Sam enjoyed figuring out the workings of the water-wheel, while Sarah was happiest watching the baby pigs.

 We traveled on through Paradise to Intercourse, PA, passing many buggies on the way. The quaint village provided a scenic rest stop and a fruitful shopping experience.

Returning to the farm at Gettysburg, we had a warm dinner and bid goodnight to the animals before turning in ourselves.


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